Social Work Training Can Help You Travel The World Part 2

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The need to ensure that the social work profession continues to thrive and to make a difference in the world has led to this movement of human resources from country to country of skilled social workers. This movement of workers is enriching the diverseness of many countries and meeting the needs of vulnerable people.

Social Workers all around the world are seeing the benefits of working in other countries either on short term contracts or as permanent workers. Some are recruited through recruitment companies acting as go betweens and some directly through job applications on line or through the national press.

If you have decided to enrich another country with your social work skills whilst seeing the world you might want to consider being well prepared in the following areas:

Travel document, visas, work permits, professional registration

  • Obtain information directly from consulates and embassies you need precise information in relation to your status. This must be done in advance and applications sorted out before you make firm plans just in case you need to change deadlines

Accommodation and general living issues:

  • the rental market
  • Where to live
  • How to find accommodation
  • Best modes of transport
  • Cost of living
  • Taxation: Tax rebates, income tax, nations insurance
  • Health Care: vaccinations, taking care of any existing conditions you may have; medications and prescription availability

Induction and Job training

  • The induction package can be put together quite simply by workers themselves prior to coming to Britain or starting as an agency worker if you know where to get the information from. But all is not lost if you have already arrived or started work as an agency worker. It's not too late to put together your own pack and to use it to get a better job if you need to, or to feel in a better position with regard to skills and knowledge if you are already in at the deep end.
  • On the job training will be provided in most a organizations, ensure you document it on your CV or resume

Gradle Gardner Martin is a Management Consultant, Trainer and Author. Her new book "Inducing Wellbeing In The Work Place: A Workers Guide To Stress Management" is available to buy from her website [] and at all book stores.

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