Social Work Training Can Help You Travel The World Part 1

by 01:22 0 comments
If you thought that as a social worker you could not see the world whilst doing the job you love, you might want to think again. Social work is a vocational career and many countries find it hard to recruit and retain workers. There has been a big increase in organizations in countries like Britain offering recruitment opportunities to social workers from all over the world. This is beneficial to you and you can obtain lots of advantages from either going it alone or being recruited by a company. However some advanced research and firm planning is essential

Things to think about and look out for:

  • Find out about the country you wish to travel to and the legislation and laws. This can be done on the internet or by making applications directly to organization who will send job documentation which includes vital information about the locality
  • Find a good company who is recruiting staff on behalf of organization in other countries. Visit trade fairs and look through professional magazines and of course search on line
  • Organise your self before leaving: Make a plan about what you will have to sort out before you go and also ensure that things will be OK whilst you are away. This might include preparing family and friends, renting out your accommodation, setting up financial
  • Get legal advice on any contracts that are being suggested and do not sign up for long term contracts unless you are fully aware of your rights

Finally take care of yourself and ensure you know where to get good stress relieving support as a member of a caring profession in any country you choose to work in.

Gradle Gardner Martin is a Management Consultant, Trainer and Author. Her new book "Inducing Wellbeing In The Work Place: A Workers Guide to Stress Management" is available to buy from her website [] and at all book stores.

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