Social Work Books

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Social Work books are the cornerstone of an effective clinical practice.  Anyone who feels the call to work with others to help then through times of crisis, change and concern, with compassion and understanding, can find these books to be helpful and good resources.

Mastery of Anxiety and Panic for Adolescents: Riding the Wave, A Therapist Guide, by Donna B. Pincus, Jill T. Ehrenreich, & Sara G. Mattis (Oxford University Press) is a step-by-step program that helps the assessment and treatment of adolescents suffering from panic disorder.  It is designed to be used over an 11-week period and includes the use of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Exposure therapy.

Beyond Medication: Therapeutic Engagement and the Recovery from Psychosis, edited by David Garfield and Daniel Mackler (Routledge) is a social work book exploring the use of psychotherapy instead of only medication in the treatment of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders.  The book is divided into four sections.  The first, Engaging the Patient, presents clinical cases to illustrate ways to engage patients suffering from psychosis.  The second, The Elements of Change, includes the benefits of milieu treatment and the use of psychoanalytic treatment for psychotic depression.  In the third section, Listening to the Patient: Stories of what Really Works, the reader gains from the experiences of both therapists and patients.  Finally, there is a Concluding Chapter.

Handbook of Violence Risk Assessment and Treatment: New Approaches for Mental Health Professionals, edited by Joel T. Andrade, MSW, LICSW (Springer Publishing Company) is a comprehensive examination of violence risk assessment and treatment. This is an important resource given the incidence of violence in schools and universities today as well as in society in general.
Any of these are excellent additions to other social work books and will provide great value and insight on the topics covered. Being exposed to a number of approaches helps one increase their skills and variety of treatment modalities.

Dee Cohen is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. Stop by Social Work Programs and read about School Social Worker Role and other options for social workers.

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