Is a Social Work Career Right For You - What Can You Do With This Degree

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Have you been thinking about the idea of working with people as a social worker or mental health counselor? Do you enjoy seeing people grow, gain deeper understanding and make changes in their lives? If so, this field can be one you may thrive in.

There are both on-campus social work programs as well as those that are internet-based. Social work education can lead to work in different areas including:

1) Working with kids in schools, through an agency position or in private practice. Kids may suffer from adhd, family traumas, probation issues or addiction problems. Kids can connect to someone who is empathic but also a role model.

2) Elderly care counseling at an assisted living facility or nursing home. Many elderly are isolated and facing the loss of their friends who move out of the area or pass away. A social worker can help senior citizens with concrete tasks as well as exploring their feelings about aging.

3) Individual counseling with people dealing with career problems, stress from marriage, indecision about family matters or phobias. Working one on one with someone puts you in a special role in someone's life where they can share their deepest feelings and feel accepted. Helping someone to gain perspective and not fall into old patterns is very rewarding.

4) Teaching at a community or four year college can be a wonderful way to pass on your knowledge to students and assist them in developing their own skills as clinicians or researchers. This now also includes online colleges as a career option with flexibility of hours.

There are many opportunities in social work careers available when one gets a degree in this field. Examine yourself to see if you are suited for it.

Have you been thinking about a career in social work? Stop by Social Work Programs to read articles about working with clients, avoiding burn out and other topics pertinent to psychotherapists at

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