Social Work Online Classes - Can I Get My Degree Using the Internet?

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Have you been thinking of enrolling in a classes towards a social work degree but are not sure how to fit this into your work schedule or already tight schedule with your children? One option is to consider taking social work online classes towards your degree.

Many people have already done volunteer work at a hospital, youth center or community clinic and realize that they like to work with kids, families, individuals and the elderly. A degree in social work will enable you to continue this work in a paid capacity and give you skills as a counselor, administrator or writer of policies.

If you are pressed for time and find attending lectures at the college or university a big challenge, you can now find online courses and programs that cover areas such as behavioral management, building self esteem, child psychology, counseling psychology, caring for the elderly and disabled at home, child abuse recognition, investigation and protection, domestic violence, conflict resolution, psychology, relationship management, stress management, nursing assistant and health care.

Course packages and time frames differ with universities. Check for universities which offer your choice of course and perhaps combines it with another one. Sometimes people will get core requirements out of the way online and then go physically to a local university program. Other times, you can do an online program, but may need to make trips to the university for some meetings as well as classroom experiences. For a graduate program, you will be needing to do an internship.

It's important to find out if the online programs will be recognized as accredited by your state. There are regional boards that determine which schools qualify. On top of this, if you wish to get licensed in your state, you'll need to also find out if your program is considered eligible. For instance, many states require accreditation from the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) in order to sit for the licensing exam. Find out if you'll have an internship and the type of supervision available.

If you are needing continuing education courses in order to fulfill your license, there are many sites that offer classes including the website by the NASW (National Association of Social Work). You can read which state boards approve which ceu classes in the descriptions of each course.

The advantage of online classes is that you can study in your own time and at your own pace. You have access to books and courses which are taught by professionals and written by known authors. Be sure to find out about the credentials of the school, licensing requirements of your state and other factors to see if the online program is a good fit for your goals.

Are You Interested in a Career in Social Work
Stop by Social Work Programs to learn about online programs, Top Social Work Graduate Programs and issues around clinical social work practice.

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