NASW Funding For Social Work Students

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If you want to go into social work but you just don't have the money to fund a college education, you will certainly want to think about getting a scholarship. By getting one you will be able to help your costs associated with going to a college or university. These entail tuition, books, and other expenses. The NASW scholarship an option and they are a prestigious organization for those in the field.

There are some general qualifications that you will want to understand to help determine if you are eligible to get funding for your college education. One of the requirements is that the student who applies show motivation and leadership skills which are required for this type of career. You must also have a GPA of at least 2.5 or above in order to be considered for this scholarship. A third requirement is that you must be accepted into a graduate or undergraduate program at an accredited university.

You must be enrolled in school the semester the funds are awarded in order to receive any funds from the scholarship program. This means you can't be taking a semester off. You must be an incoming or continuing student. It can be helpful to be a student who belongs to the NASW. You can be an U.S or non-U.S citizen and out-of-state students may apply to certain schools which are not located in the state they are currently living in. I attend my local NASW meetings and input from students that are members is always helpful. Their enthusiasm and energy always enhance the meetings.

If you are awarded funds through this scholarship, you will be able to receive up to $500 per academic year, which can be really helpful, especially considering the rising costs of tuition and other college fees. By having the funds you need to go to an accredited college or university, you will be able open a number of doors in terms of the career you have chosen for yourself. Obviously, not everyone will receive an award, but if you meet the requirements, it is worthwhile to fill out an application for consideration. The national association of social workers has been around for a number of years and helped bring about many positive changes in our country.
Learn more about Social Work Schools and Scholarships for Social Workers

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