What Is Medical Social Work?

by 16:27 0 comments
Medical social work deals with the psychosocial aspect of people's lives. These types of workers work in a hospital, clinic, or a hospice and help patients with different types of medical conditions, and problems.

There are many areas of medical social work. A medical social worker works with patients who have a chronic illness such as cancer, AIDS, or Alzheimer's, and helps them deal with the illness in their daily lives. They can assist them in getting medical help, and at home care, or any medical equipment they may need for survival. In many hospitals, medical social workers are appointed with such patients as soon as they are discharged, so they can be helped.

Medical social workers can also work for grief counseling with patients who have been in a traumatic accident, or have been diagnosed with a debilitating illness. They can help the patient face the problem, and arrange for the required help. A professional may refer the patient to a professional psychiatrist if needed. They also work with the families of such patients to help them adjust to the situation. In many cases, medical social workers also work with patients who have substance abuse problems. They can get these people the help they need and can refer them to counseling and group therapy. In many cases, they are called upon by families to have an intervention with the patient to convince him or her to get treatment.

In some cases, these types of workers are called upon to evaluate a patient who seems to be the victim of abuse. This can be domestic violence, or child abuse. If a doctor or nurse suspects any patient to be suffering from abuse, a medical social worker is called upon who will determine what steps to take from there. Medical social workers also work in hospices, and are responsible for many things. They can help patients with documenting their last wishes and wills, and can assist with DNR (do not resuscitate) orders. They can also help the families of such people prepare for the situation, and help them with the after death paperwork.

In this way, these types of workers have a lot of responsibility, and they work in many different fields. This vast profession has many dimensions, and many people specialize in one or more fields.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5779617

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