Picking a Top Social Work Program With Good Ratings For the MSW Degree

by 13:12 0 comments
There are a number of excellent schools for getting your Master's in Social Work (MSW) degree. You may feel that you don't have the grades or credentials to qualify for the top 5 which include Washington University in St. Louis, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, University of Chicago in Illinois, Columbia University in NYC and University of Washington in Seattle. But there are other schools with top ratings that you may be a good match for.

Here are the some highly ranked social work programs around the United States:
University of California in Berkley - students can earn an MSW or PhD. They also offer dual programs social welfare and public health, social welfare and law degree.
University of Texas, Austin - This school offers a MSSW degree. This is another alternative to the MSW and is recognized as such.

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill - offers MSW, dual Master's in law, public administration, public health, and divinity, and a doctorate degree.

University of Southern California, Los Angeles - has MSW and PhD program and a nurse social work options. This is a dual degree for those who want to study health and social work.
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland Oh - This degree is a Master's of Science in Social Administration. Students can also participate in several dual degree programs.

Please be aware that you don't have to go to a top ten school to get an excellent job in the field or on the insurance panels. Most employers will focus on your degree and internship as well as enthusiasm. The main thing is to find a program that resonates with your own interests as well as has staff that you can help you have a good learning experience.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4050312

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