What Exactly Does Social Work Entail?

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Social work is normally considered or misunderstood to be a function by which help is extended to people who are not that well off. It can take on the form of economic help, or just caring for others. We know that millions of people in the world live below the poverty line and are needy. Nevertheless, just providing economic help is not enough. Generally, a person thinks that by donating to a charity, or by paying their taxes, their duty to society has been done. In reality, this is not true, social work meaning helping people to return to the mainstream of life.

Helping people was thought to be a work of religious and charity organizations only, but now, there are professional and academic disciplines committed to the pursuit of social welfare, justice, and development. A lot of fieldwork is conducted in researching and improving the quality of life of individuals, families, and communities. Economics, philosophy, medicine, education, psychology, and sociology are the disciplines in which people specialize, and later, join international organizations like the United Nations or any private NGO. Nowadays, social workers are also involved in helping people who are addicted to drugs or alcohol. Support is also given to people who been abused or molested. Helping such people requires specialized training, and today, a number of people have specialized in these areas, and they are completely involved in providing social work.

There are so many reasons for the social imbalance in the world and people, governments, and organizations have started addressing them seriously. If we think that people in the third world countries are the ones that need social help, we are wrong. Even in developed countries, poverty exists and they house slum areas. Governments that realize the existence of social imbalances have made efforts to help and remove or reduce it. To a fair extent, the developed countries have been able to tackle and address social issues, and have been able to correct them to quite a large extent. However, no country has been able to eliminate them, completely.

To rid the world of social injustice is easier said than done, as it requires a collective effort by everyone. People should be willing to help and those who need help should be willing to accept it. Only a collective and focused effort by everyone will help to reduce social imbalance in the world.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5779607

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