Challenges For Social Workers

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Social work has been of greater significance for centuries and no one can deny its importance and the difference it has made in the society. All the credit goes to social work for the difference it has made in the minds of our young generation, and our hearts have become charity giving so that people who are less fortunate, and less privileged can live up to the mark by the generous help and care provided by others.

However, as social work has made a tremendous difference in the world, at the same time these helping efforts are restricted due to multiple factors, and challenges. Social workers work during the times of high risks, which are even life threatening, at their own costs. They are provided no protection, and still they go out of the way to serve humanity.

During the times of natural disaster, these social workers the restricted in front of the powers of nature. Despite of their full efforts, they cannot cater to or everyone who has been affected, at the same time, limited aid, and funds places these volunteers in critical positions to evaluate the needy individuals, and how much should be allocated for each family.

In addition, the formal training expenditures are huge due to which, many social workers do not get to enroll themselves in formal training institutions, and they go out at their own to work for their community at micro levels. Besides, most of the times, these volunteers do not get any stipend to cater for their transportation, or basic living costs.

At times, government policies also affects the social work being carried out by various organizations, as it involves excessive paper work, and hence ultimately increases time for implementation of a project. At the same time, extra money is also deposited, or guarantee, which decreases the funds allocated for the actual project targeted towards the welfare of individuals.

Summing up, the growing awareness of social work in the world is helping the communities to shape their lives in a more positive, and proactive way. However, this task remains one of the toughest, as usually multiple problems and challenges arises, which halts the activities and leads to the wastage of time, money and other resources, which could be of use to underprivileged individuals. Limited funds, lack of training, time constraints, formal paperwork, etc are all the limitations for social workers.

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