How To Write Your Life History

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Writing and analyzing the life history of a community's population is a very common practice for anthropologists. Without it, it is almost impossible to study and understand cultures and the people who live in them. This is a practice that people should take up and turn it into a habit for many reasons.

First, because, as the name says, it is history and it is by learning from others' successes and mistakes that humanity truly advances. Secondly, because it gives the writer the opportunity to study what patterns arise from their lives and how to best use them for their advantage. And thirdly, because it is a concrete legacy. When you are gone, you will have left behind precious memories.
In sum, you are too important not to learn from your own history and not to leave it behind.
How can you write and learn from your life history?

Of course, the first thing that you need to do to decide which tool is better for you. You can write. It really doesn't matter how well you write as long as you write. Get a notebook and a pen (better than a pencil which can be erased more easily). Though handwriting is the best way to do so for the hands have a straight connection to the heart, these days, people are finding more and more that handwriting is too time consuming, not to mention that because they are so used to writing in a word processor, their handwriting has become illegible, to put it mildly. So, go ahead and use your keyboard.

Now, if you truly hate writing or are not able to do that, by all means, use a tape recorder. Make sure to label each tape after you have done recording. If you have the know-how and a microphone, you can also do so using your computer.

Video also works well, especially if you are planning to leave your image behind. Imagine your grandchildren and great grandchildren looking at you 50 years from now. Imagine how endearing seeing you will be to your children after you are gone. These images are just precious.
Secondly, you must be somewhat organized. Make a plan. Of course, this being a huge project, you may feel overwhelmed if you put on paper the whole of the project. However, it may even be good for you to do so, for you will see that this huge thing can be divided into small doable steps. It will be easier for you. Remember to always record the date you have written and the date of your memories.

Third, turn your attention to your lifeline. Decide on a first topic. What you are willing to record or write about at this time? It is imperative that you write all of which that fancies you first. So, write about your first lover. Or first kiss. Or about your life with your pets, or about your school experiences, your first dance, whatever it is. For now, avoid writing about memories that are painful for you.

Fourth: When you are done with all the fun memories, slowly look at those that are not so pleasant followed by those that are a true nightmare. Work on forgiveness for you and those attached to said memories. Cry if you must. Always take deep breaths. When you see that it is becoming too much, stop and if you can go take a shower and or a bath with essential oil of lavender. Water has great healing properties. Also, don't forget to drink water, to help eliminate the poison that is now leaving your core being.

When you are done with your Life History, do just a maintenance check every now and then, describing what is going on with your life at present.

You will see that this is one of the best things you have done for yourself and a great legacy you are leaving for those who love you.

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© Maria Moratto 2006

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