ADHD Child Violence - 5 Strategies For Parents

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ADHD child violence can leave families, and especially the siblings who witness the violence, numb and helpless. ADHD violent behavior can take many forms from yelling, verbal abuse, wrecking the home, threatening siblings and parents, hitting and beating up other children.

The first strategy to deal with ADHD child violence is to make it clear that there is no excuse or justification for any bullying, abuse or violence in your home. That is the bottom line and both parents adhere to it. This is vital because I know families where children can get round one parent and even avoid punishment while with the other parent, they know they are going to get it if they misbehave. Avoid the good cop, bad cop parenting at all times.

The second strategy is to match the punishment to the crime and not to the child. They know what the bottom line is and beyond that they have to face the consequences of their behavior. Concentrate on the behavior rather than making the child feel that he is being punished or grounded. If you get a chance, try to analyze with him why that behavior is unacceptable and what he can do to avoid a repeat.

The third strategy in dealing with ADHD child violence is to get rid of all the violent media in the house. That includes video games and any music, TV shows which glorify violence. You just have to explain to the child that he is not able to handle it and it does have an influence on his behavior. The evidence for this is overwhelming and aggression and violent behavior have been linked to these games.

The fourth strategy in dealing with ADHD child violence is to try talking to the child or teenager in a calmer moment and ask what he feels when he has these temper tantrums or violent outbursts. Ask him what enrages him because here we are dealing above all with anger management. Try role playing a situation with him when he wants to explode and then swap roles so that he is on the receiving end ! Teach him to do some deep breathing to calm him down. This is a method recommended by Noemi Drew a world expert on parenting and conflict resolution. She has written a lot on conflict in the home and on ADHD child violence.

The fifth strategy is to get acquainted with ADHD behavior therapy and find a course that will suit you. You do not have to spend hundreds of dollars either on counselling or other therapy. You can do it from your own home and I know some parents have shared the cost of a course. You can also find out what medication could help your child. I know that an ADHD homeopathic remedy will help in calming a child or teenager and there are no side effects and will be a great asset in helping you deal with ADHD violent behavior. It will not teach him to behave, I am afraid !

Robert Locke is a Health enthusiast who specializes in Children's Health. He has written extensively on ADHD. Discover how ADHD behavioral therapy can change your life.

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