Interviewing Skills

by 05:27 0 comments

If you have been unsuccessful in job applications or if you have had bad experiences in interviews you will probably benefit from discussing these with a mentor or coach.
Most materials available for practicing and developing interviewing skills are worth looking in order to hone your skills.

Use them in conjunction with these useful tips:

  • Be on time, dress appropriately, and be courteous and respectful.

  • Acknowledge to yourself how nervous you are, then you get that out of the way and can concentrate on how good you are; attitude make s a real difference.

  • Identify the reasons why you want this job. If you are desperate to move jobs your answers to questions and your body language may convey "give me a job, I need to get out of my current one".

  • Identify the main principles and vision of the firm that you are working for or intend to work for. Look at the corporate literature. Some company's vision statements may hold the key to what drives them and you will get down to the exact core business. Then consider how you will answer your questions based on these visions and principles.

  • Be prepared to answer the questions from a mixture of perspective of a worker, client or service user and manager. Customer care or customer focus in most organizations is what comes through strongly for most interviewing panels. A worth while exercise to do prior to interview is to spend time identifying who the customers are and who the major stakeholders are and what is important to them.

  • Organizations need a range of workers to keep the corporate vision going and to provide the company with newness and innovation. You will not usually know which type they are looking for prior to your interview, so it is essential that you put over a balanced presentation with glimpses of innovation and corporate flavor.

  • Do you work in the past or will you help the company create a brand new future? "What I did and how I did it" must be balanced with "what I found out needs doing and how I will do it". You will probably be posed several of these kinds of questions.

  • Bad experiences shine through so try not to bad mouth any one. If you are asked to answer a question about something going wrong answer fully about what you learned about the scenario but give brief bullet point details about the example.

  • Really offer the interviewers a full repertoire of your skills and knowledge. They need to see a time line with examples applicable to the job you are applying for.

  • Do not bore the interviewing panel.

Finally, get good feedback, re-evaluate and keep going until you get the job you want.

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