MSW/JD, University of Pittsburgh School of Social Work offers an MSW-JD degree. Over twenty universities offer the JD-MSW degree.

This was very interesting to me as in Broward county Florida a social worker has been up against some severe criticism for starting a Jewish American bar Association. Lets take a further look. According to the university of Pittsburgh:

Increasingly, helping professionals and attorneys are working together to promote the well-being of their clients. These areas of convergence exist in practice with individuals, families, and groups as well as with communities and organizations.This union within the Jewish American Bar Association seems quite timely. The intersection of legal and social work concerns is also evident at the policy level, and research from both professional disciplines has been used to inform these activities. It is not uncommon for practitioners from both fields to work in concert to draft, implement, and/or advocate for legislation at the local, state, and federal levels.

So it appears we may have a new place for social workers. What an interesting combination in a Bar association.

There are many unique benefits in putting this team together. Skills learned in a n(M.S.W.) program that are helpful in the practice of law include interviewing, empathic listening, identification of clients' goals, evaluation, crisis intervention, and trust. In addition, social workers' clients must often overcome a number of barriers, legal and otherwise.

Since the two fields complement each other so well, both lawyers and social workers are increasingly called upon to consult with each other and work in multidisciplinary teams to provide better service to their clients.From the clients' perspective, a social worker is non threatening,a listener and a helper.
People with legal problems feel helpless. There are very few MSW/JD's. Even without a JD an MSW/CSW who has worked with attorneys and clients in need of legal help can be the sensitive voice for the legal community.

The social worker has been trained to understand the client in distress. This is not part of the lawyers background. What an unbeatable combination and winning team. In Fort lauderdale Florida a social worker saw this potential and took a step forward. An old friend once told me:

A social worker teaming up with and the voice for a Bar association/ organization. What an interesting concept. Perhaps we can finally change the public view of the legal community.
Sun Sentinel
Palm Beach Post

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social work cpd training

If you are one of those who are looking for a career with more meaning, diversity and ample of options, then social work is your profession where you can grow with your skills. It is a profession that demands courage to face different challenges and offer options for those who care about justice and welfare. Devoted to offer help and improve the conditions of people, this profession has its own rewards.

In this profession, social workers work with people, family and children who are suffering form mental health problems, drugs abuses or some physical disabilities. In every practice area, this is one profession that delivers service that can help any family across three or four generations. Perhaps, this profession is based on a promise to social justice, equity and critical thinking. Choosing this profession as a career will surely have a significant and far-reaching impact on the lives of others and on society.

In last few years, the demand for skilled social work professionals has grown tremendously. Many private companies, government's organizations and NGOs are recruiting such professional to serve the people suffering from variety of problems. Social Program is a great profession that is committed to the development of individual and community in society.

To achieve this, degree in Social Work programs is must. All degree level course programs are conducted by colleges or universities. DipSW (Diploma in Social Work), BSW( Bachelor of Social Work), MSW( Master of Social Work) and DSW (Doctorate in Social Work) are some of the famous study programs that are available in various colleges and universities all over the world.

Bachelor degree holders perform the generalist entry level work while master degree holders perform advanced clinical practice work. If you want to perform research or teaching work at university then you should have Doctorate and Ph. D level degree in social program. In addition to this, there are some certificates courses like Certificate in Social Service (CSS) and Certificate of Qualification in Social Work (CQSW). These courses are also sufficient to become a social work professional at entry level in some countries.

Know more about top Psychology schools [] and best Psychology Degrees [] in your preferable location in USA and Canada at Get complete information on best Psychology degrees, programs and majors.

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Social Worker online CPD training

It has been said that the most rewarding career one can embark upon is one which serves the people. For the thousands of people who graduate each year with a degree in social work related fields they dedicate their lives to helping those who are less fortunate or need assistance in times of needs. When it comes to choosing a college to earn a degree in this field there are certain schools that stand out and truly deserve to be called the best.

Whether your pursue your degree in a local community college, University or through online education there are certain criteria you are undoubtedly looking for to make sure the school you choose is the best for your field. Some of the things that you should look for when making a decision include: What type of programs do they offer in the social sciences? Are they recognized by any national or world-wide institutes or organizations that deal with public service? How have they earned accreditation in this field? No doubt as you begin your search these questions and many others are going to be part of a comprehensive list you develop to help you in choosing the appropriate educational institution.

As you explore your options don't forget to also check with local and state agencies that provide services to the public in your field to ask them if they can recommend higher education choices. Many times these organizations are thrilled to help someone who wants to pursue this type of work and can not only recommend schools but also help mentor you as you pursue your degree. Often these types of mentoring relationships can lead to full-time employment after graduation.

Nic Haffner is a writer and internet publisher who likes to publish College Education Info Resources and related stuff. Check out his news and in depth information website

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Social workers online CPD

Education Secretary Michael Gove has formally written to a leading reader in social policy at the London School of Economics, Professor Eileen Munro, for a review of children's social work.
Munro's review follows years of dissatisfaction with the current system which promotes bureaucracy over necessary qualitative work such as building relationships with families in need of help. After the shocking Baby P case in 2007, Professor Munro published an article in The Independent criticising the changes in measures aimed at preventing a repeat of the Climbé case in 2000. She writes:
"What we have now are organisations centred on feeding the Government's ever-growing appetite for hard data at the expense of the complex and subtle information social workers actually need to form a realistic assessment of child welfare."

Since these cases there has been a substantial fall in social care recruitment. In a poll conducted by the General Social Care Council 97% of the participants agreed that the case of Baby P and other recent high profile cases have damaged the public's view of social work.

Children and families social workers have been hit the hardest. The sensitive nature of their work means that these qualified social workers already have an emotionally demanding role. The current measures contradict the work that truly needs doing. Part of the government's new plan is to immediately scrap the National Safeguarding Unit, which is another honey trap of bureaucracy preventing qualified social workers from conducting crucial work.

This is a positive sign that progressive action is being taken to fundamentally alter a system which has been failing social workers and the vulnerable members of the public who require their help.
Munro's first report will be published at the end of September, followed by an interim report in January 2011. The final report will be submitted to government in April 2011.

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Social worker CPD online training

Unless you've been hiding under a rock, you've probably heard about Social Networking and how important it is to your small business web presence. Not too long ago, all you needed for an online presence was a web site, maybe with some online shopping capability, and email. But now that Social Networking has blasted onto the scene, there are new technologies that are becoming so popular that you may not be able to ignore them for much longer! So yes, it's time to take the plunge and learn about Social Networking.

Social Networking is described by marketing expert John Jantsch as "the use of technology combined with social interaction to create or co-create value." This technology includes blogs, micro-blogs (like Twitter), RSS, social search sites (like Technorati), social networks (like LinkedIn and Facebook), and social bookmarking sites (like - all designed to make it easier to connect with others through social interaction on the web.

But one of the frustrating things about social networking is that like most new things, it takes time to learn and understand before it can become truly useful. So to help you tackle the "social work" of learning about Social Networking, here are some suggestions for learning the basics:
- Read other people's blogs. If you don't already have a list of regular blogs that you read, use a blog search engine to find and subscribe to a few blogs you are interested in. Look for industry blogs, blogs from experts, and even read your competitors' blogs. This will help you understand how people in your industry use blogs, which will in turn help you become better equipped to write blog posts for your own company.

- Use Social Bookmarking. Social bookmarking sites like allow users to tag interesting pages or articles, put them in specific categories, and then share them publicly. Be sure to bookmark your own articles that you find on the web, or pages that mention your business, and ask others to do the same for you. These bookmarks are like "votes" for your content and can also help build inbound links, which is critical for boosting search engine rankings.

- Set up a Profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the most popular social networking site for businesses, and it's pretty easy to use and make connections. Just follow the steps to set up a profile, then start experimenting with joining groups, adding applications, and making connections. You can even upload the contacts from your Outlook address book and find out which ones are already using LinkedIn!

- Try Twitter. One of the new social sites creating a lot of buzz is Twitter, which is a micro-blogging platform that allows users to keep in touch using short, 140-character "tweets." You can use Twitter to instantly provide customers with useful, interesting information and special deals or promotions. Twitter has a lot of potential as a mobile marketing tool since it allows small businesses to reach customers wherever they are; whether they are at their computers or carrying around their cell phones (and at least for now, it's free!).

There is of course a lot to learn with Social Networking, especially since the tools and technologies continue to change and evolve all the time. But with a little effort and some basic understanding, you can add some Social Networking strategies to your marketing routine and start improving your overall presence on the web. Eventually, it can lead to increased organic, natural traffic and better search engine rankings for your web site.

Lauren Hobson, President of Five Sparrows has more than 15 years of experience in small business technology writing, marketing, and web site design and development. Five Sparrows provides high-quality, professional website and marketing services to small businesses and non-profits at affordable prices, giving clients access to customized services that meet both their needs and their budgets.

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Social worker CPD training

Social work is a vocational career and many countries find it hard to recruit and retain workers. In order to turn this around many countries are recruiting workers from all over the world. This is beneficial to you and you can obtain lots of advantages from both going it alone and being recruited by a company whilst seeing the world. It will help your social work career to have an international flavour.

When looking into going to work in another country as a social worker you will want to find out about the types of jobs available to you and the processes and procedures which will govern your work.

  • Look out for jobs in various sectors and with different services users groups such as Children and Families, Adults, Mental Health, voluntary, private and statutory sector.
  • Understand what will be expected of you in your new job: obtain information about legislative guidance
  • Research tools and resources to aid your work
  • Find out how the organization you will be places in captures data and organizes files
  • Have an understanding of the structures and if it is a large organization how each department relates to each other and specifically to the one you will be working in.

o Find out how the day to day work is done, is there a procedural manual which you will need to learn or reference?
o Get to know the criteria, assessment processed and good practice tips for your intended work place.
Social Work is a demanding job what plans to do you have to create a work life balance when working away?
Gradle Gardner Martin is a Management Consultant, Trainer and Author. Her new book "Inducing Wellbeing In The Work Place: A Workers Guide To Stress Management" is available to buy from her website [] and at all book stores.

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Social work is a vocational career and many countries find it hard to recruit and retain workers. Both newly qualified and experienced social workers can find good jobs in countries looking to recruit from abroad. Some organisations will actually enlist the help of recruitment companies to facilitate the process for them. The recruitment companies act as agents and undertake the complete process on the employing organisations behalf including sorting out what could be problematic issues such as visas, timely references or professional registration as part of the process. This is beneficial to you and you can obtain lots of advantages from being recruited in this way.

What to look for in a good recruitment company:
o They work with you every step of the way, and supply you with clear and practical information and expert advice
o They offer a free professional service to assist you with visas, work permits, and a full job search carried out specifically to your requirements
o They have consultants in the recruiting countries who will work with you to prepare for your move and source the most suitable vacancies available
o They give you a good understanding of what Training your will get prior to your joining your assignment and after you arrive
o The company reflects a good understanding of Equality of opportunity which is incorporated in their literature and will help your understand how they will support you to get your needs met
o There is a clear understanding of what happens if things go wrong
o Financial incentives are clearly spelt out and reimbursement issues are formalized but flexible
o You are given independent advice on the contract and do not feel pressurized to sign or there is a get out clause or cooling off period

Social work is one of the most rewarding but demanding jobs you can do but you can also travel and experience the diversity of the world whilst making a difference.

If you are considering doing this take some good advice and start planning your get away.
Gradle Gardner Martin is a Management Consultant, Trainer and Author. Her new book "Inducing Wellbeing In The Work Place: A Workers Guide To Stress Management" is available to buy from her website [] and at all book stores.

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The need to ensure that the social work profession continues to thrive and to make a difference in the world has led to this movement of human resources from country to country of skilled social workers. This movement of workers is enriching the diverseness of many countries and meeting the needs of vulnerable people.

Social Workers all around the world are seeing the benefits of working in other countries either on short term contracts or as permanent workers. Some are recruited through recruitment companies acting as go betweens and some directly through job applications on line or through the national press.

If you have decided to enrich another country with your social work skills whilst seeing the world you might want to consider being well prepared in the following areas:

Travel document, visas, work permits, professional registration

  • Obtain information directly from consulates and embassies you need precise information in relation to your status. This must be done in advance and applications sorted out before you make firm plans just in case you need to change deadlines

Accommodation and general living issues:

  • the rental market
  • Where to live
  • How to find accommodation
  • Best modes of transport
  • Cost of living
  • Taxation: Tax rebates, income tax, nations insurance
  • Health Care: vaccinations, taking care of any existing conditions you may have; medications and prescription availability

Induction and Job training

  • The induction package can be put together quite simply by workers themselves prior to coming to Britain or starting as an agency worker if you know where to get the information from. But all is not lost if you have already arrived or started work as an agency worker. It's not too late to put together your own pack and to use it to get a better job if you need to, or to feel in a better position with regard to skills and knowledge if you are already in at the deep end.
  • On the job training will be provided in most a organizations, ensure you document it on your CV or resume

Gradle Gardner Martin is a Management Consultant, Trainer and Author. Her new book "Inducing Wellbeing In The Work Place: A Workers Guide To Stress Management" is available to buy from her website [] and at all book stores.

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If you thought that as a social worker you could not see the world whilst doing the job you love, you might want to think again. Social work is a vocational career and many countries find it hard to recruit and retain workers. There has been a big increase in organizations in countries like Britain offering recruitment opportunities to social workers from all over the world. This is beneficial to you and you can obtain lots of advantages from either going it alone or being recruited by a company. However some advanced research and firm planning is essential

Things to think about and look out for:

  • Find out about the country you wish to travel to and the legislation and laws. This can be done on the internet or by making applications directly to organization who will send job documentation which includes vital information about the locality
  • Find a good company who is recruiting staff on behalf of organization in other countries. Visit trade fairs and look through professional magazines and of course search on line
  • Organise your self before leaving: Make a plan about what you will have to sort out before you go and also ensure that things will be OK whilst you are away. This might include preparing family and friends, renting out your accommodation, setting up financial
  • Get legal advice on any contracts that are being suggested and do not sign up for long term contracts unless you are fully aware of your rights

Finally take care of yourself and ensure you know where to get good stress relieving support as a member of a caring profession in any country you choose to work in.

Gradle Gardner Martin is a Management Consultant, Trainer and Author. Her new book "Inducing Wellbeing In The Work Place: A Workers Guide to Stress Management" is available to buy from her website [] and at all book stores.

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In a traditional school, a masters degree in social work is a degree program that is available to students who are looking for a way to advance their career. However, it is difficult for the average student to go back to school to get this level of education. It requires several years of hard work and dedication. It also requires a sizable amount of money and time to be invested in the day to day educational process.

However, for those students who are looking for a way to get their education around some of these factors, there is help.

A masters degree in social work is available for students who are looking for a way to expand their career on the web. In other words, if a student would like to go back to school but is unable to do so for some reason, he or she may be able to go back to school online. This makes the process of getting a masters degree faster and easier for most adults. It is important to note that not all forms of social work can be obtained in this way.

Students who are considering the enrollment into an online program for masters degree in social work will need to ensure that the school meets the specific needs of the student and that any licensing requirements are met. In addition, this type of education needs to come from an accredited school. That ensures that the student is learning what he or she needs to learn to be successful in their career. Keep in mind that a student who enrolls in this type of education will need to work through a wide range of programs and classes and that it is not easy to get this masters program. Allied Health can help make it a success.

Matt Black is the Online Degree Blogger. With hundreds of schools and thousands of degrees to choose from, making the right education choice can be overwhelming. If you are considering an online degree [] my blog can help you make the right choice.

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Social worker CPD training